Thursday, August 13, 2015

Our Reunion Weekend Plan

August 14

Friday Night Gathering • 6 pm

Dino’s Pub
1800 NE 44th St. Renton, 98056
(I-405- 44th exit, across from McDonald’s)
Extra parking behind the building. Casual attire.
Order from the menu, No host bar. Big screens for the Game!

Please RSVP to Cheryl

August 15

Saturday Night Reunion • 6 pm

Apogee Pub and Eatery
14125 SE 171st Way, Renton, 98058
(Fairwood, behind the Safeway)
No Host bar. Casual attire.

Our main prepaid event for registered classmates & guests; if not registered and room permits admission is $40/person at the door.

Buffet menu: Roasted chicken, Roasted Pork Loin, Penne Pasta with Cream Sauce, Caesar Salad, Potato Salad, Chicken Oriental Salad, Broccoli Salad, Rolls and butter and includes Non Alcoholic Beverages

Music by our Emcee Larry Lindsley. Great conversations, food, drinks and door prizes.

August 16 

Sunday Picnic • 3:30- 8:30 pm

Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, Creekside Shelter.
Enter at South Entrance, off to the right before Volleyball courts.
Handicap parking nearby. Extra parking at North Entrance (by Ivar’s)

POTLUCK • bring an item to share in throw away containers. Make it or buy it.
Look for Red and white balloons! NO ALCOHOL ALLOWED.

Items provided: Plates, utensils, napkins, table cloths and bottled water.
There are 7 tables with benches, 3 BBQ’s, (need coals etc) 1 electrical outlet.
Bring your own chairs, extras for out of state guests. Coolers, sunscreen etc.

Bring your cameras to all events!
We hope to see other Classes from 1972-1978 at the picnic. Parking is limited.

Thank you all for being a special part of our 40th Reunion.

Cheryl, Barby, Dale, Frank, Larry, Marcia, Randy Vern, and Wane.
40th Reunion Committee~2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015

So Who Is Coming?

Here are some of the classmates planning to attend our 40 year class reunion the weekend of August 14-16.  What say you?

Get your tickets for our main gathering event.

Sharon Bagnariol, Jeff Belmondo, Michael Bingaman, Gregg Bonathan, Frank Bond, Steve Bortz, Kristi Bowlby Suder, Gary Broad, Barb Brooks Davidson, Michael "Bubba" Bullene, Brian Carlson, Karen Carlson, Wane Dallosto, Patti Daraskavich, Christi Eckert Morgan, Stephen Elliot, John Flynn, Shelly Ford, Jonelle Freeman Merisko, Cheryl Geffre Carlson, Mike Haverland, Steve Hawkins, Chris Hebner Dimm, Steve Heck, Sue Hubbard Peters, Jeanine Jones Bevacqua, John Lee, Larry Lindsley, Shirley Louie, Sharon Mar, Vern Marchetti, Karen Maughlin, Dale McDowell, Greg Mejlaender, Brian Oliver, Tom Osborn, Leslie Peterson Belmondo, Barby Quintinskie, Leanne Rittenburg Stephens, Sharon Saboe Ironmonger, Dave Schaaf, Carol Schwendeman Stick, T.M. Sell, Clyde Sheldon, Laurie Simson Davis, Jim Spee, Dennis Tarli, Ronda Taylor Rieman, Gayle Unger Richied, Randy Wik and Steve Zemanek. | More updates to come

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Just A Few Months To Go

Our 40th reunion is still on track for the weekend of August 14-16, 2015 and it won't be the same without you!  Our main event is Saturday night at the Apogee Pub & Restaurant at the Fairwood Shopping Center. Due to limited space, this event is only for members of our class plus one guest.

If you are planning to come we suggest you reserve your place sooner than later.

Register by June 15th for the best deal*
Just $25/person including buffet dinner. No Host Bar.

Tickets are available now via credit/debit card or PayPal account for the Saturday night event. If unable to use PayPal, please contact us for other arrangements.

Once you register you'll be on our mailing list for more class of '75 gathering events that weekend.

* After 6/15 $30/person; After 7/15 $35/person; At the door $40/person (if space permits)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Can You Help Locate These Classmates?

We could use your help if you happen to have a current email address for any of the following members of the Class of '75.

You may share what info you have or ask that classmate to reach the reunion committee through our Contact page. All contact information remains confidential.

Deanna Adair Parness
Brian Albee
Barbara Aws Parke
Dave Bagnariol
Lisa Custis
Vici Digi Angwin
Mark Faille
Susan Faull Lovelace
Karina Fjellstad Pangis
Dennis Finnegan
Tracy Fisher
Manly Grinolds
Kim Hammersmith
Julie Harris Miller
Heidi Heath Munro
James Jazbec
Gail Jewett Orendorff
Gayla Johnson Washington
Kari Jude Fenton
Jeff Keller
Gary Kohlwes
Alfred Lam
Sharon Mar Rule
Randy Noble
Jack Oden
Ronna Owen Forsell
Richard Patricelli
Sharon Puhich Hendricks
Patti Power
Helen Robbins Sawyer
Colleen Reardon Russo
Ray Schlosser
Lars Sjogren
Susan Sooy
Russ Taylor
Hester Thompson Molina
Jayme Thompson Glad
Harm Toren
Terry Tully Turnure
Norma Wilde Rengler
Michelle Weber Jessen
Candy Beach
Jack Bell
Cheryl Bertucci
Linda Browning Espe
James Carpenter
Michael Carrothers
Robert Connole
Valeria Cooper
Donna Crowell Ponzer
Tony Dahl
Ron Dailey
Elaine Chan
LeeAnn Del Duca
Sherri Dickinson
Dawn Eagen
Carol Edwards
Lori Eisold
Dave Eller
Teresa Evans
Patty Flynn
Daryl Forslund
Kim Geiger Kerkof
Greg Gifford
Cheryl Gorton
Betty Haas Storey
Timothy Hahnlen
Mary Hallberg
Robert Hawks
Bill Hay
James Hess
Jan Heaton
Harvey (John) Hoglund
Tanya Holland Jimale
Donald Hudson
Kenneth Jayne
Kirby Johnson
Debbie Kellicut
Stephen Kelly
Cheryl Kelso Bolton
Pamela Klineman
Hector Koch
Terri Koch Bowden
Donna Kosai Shimada
Kellie Kovach
Michelle Kuney Moodie
Rick Kusrow
Brian Laffaw
Greg Laine
Helen Lamborn
Deborah Lavallee
Michael Lawrence
Marla Lewis Cariveau
Mark Liburdi
Barbara Lord
Sue Malmoe Hoover
Roxi Mann
Linda Manolis
Steven Martin
Doyle Mattson
Larry Maust
John McDonald
Candace McDowell
Carol McQueeney
Lynn Melvin
Mari McEliece Tollman
Kevin McLeod
James (Tom) Miller
Samuel Miller
Sue Miller
Diane Moe Jensen
Mark Murakami
Kirk Muth
Bryan Nansen
Marilyn Nicolet Heller
Diane Noll Bell Christoe
Marci Noyes Wishart
Robin (Victoria) Oliver/Stednick
Terri Olson
Daryl Oughton
Deborah Pardon
Steve Paulman
Debbie Perry Fies
Sabrina Pflug
Michael Phillips
Michele Pierce
Sue Pilon
Darci Potter Reed
Lynn Potter
Susan Radosevich Lindseth
John Richards
Greg Riffero
Willie Rogers
Denise Salyers Reynolds
Stephen Shafer
Sue Sharp Haley
Mari Shiraito
Randall Sloan
Walter Steinhart
Jeffrey Stenslie
Ronald Stocks
Elizabeth Suarez Alfonso
Gala Sutin
Margaret Suzick Hetterlee
Jeannie Sweet
Debbie Taylor Landry
Judith Taylor Landry/Dorsey
Paul Thacher
Dave Thompson
Miriam Weigel Nolte
Torri Wheatley
Pat Widger
Eric Williams
Julie Williams
Karen Witters Snowdy
Kathy Witters Wilton
Donna Yamamoto

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Countdown To The Main Event

Just 5 months away!

Thanks to the input from classmates, this year's main event will be leaning more casual than formal. All Renton Class of 75 members are encouraged to join our primary gathering at the Apogee Pub & Restaurant on Saturday, August 15th, 6-10 pm.

The $25 advance ticket price includes a dinner buffet, music, group photos, fun & games... and of course getting connected with classmates. Tickets are available now via credit/debit card or PayPal account. No host bar available for any beverage purchases.

Since space is limited, ticket purchase is limited to classmate and guest. Price at the door will be higher, so we encourage your commitment now.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hotel Info

In an effort to help classmates traveling to the reunion, we have secured a negotiated rate on a block of rooms at the Quality Inn. It's very likely rates will be higher this summer for last minute reservations so consider taking advantage of the discount. We encourage you to act soon.

To get the group rate at the Quality Inn in Renton on the Maple Valley Highway call (425) 226-7600.

Group name: RENTON 75 REUNION
Group Account: 2042149

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Save The Date!

The Renton '75 Reunion Committee has set the weekend of August 14-16, 2015  for the 40 Year Class Reunion.  The primary gathering event will be Saturday night August 15th in the Renton area.

To help determine some reunion details, all members of Renton High's Class of '75 will be invited and encouraged to participate in a brief survey which will be accessible on this site.

You'll be able to reserve your spot online, Your presence adds value to this event, so please consider joining us and find out what your classmates have been up to the past 40 years.

More details will be released in the coming days.